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Page 17

  “You’re reinstating me?” I asked.

  “We know what happened with the shifters, and with that mark we can’t exactly cut you loose. Keeping you as a member of the Elite is the best way to keep an eye on you.”

  Jason pulled away from me as he led Lily down towards the interview rooms.

  My head spun, but this time it wasn’t from lack of food. Lily had the power to singlehandedly destroy me. The moment she decided she wanted to come clean to Jason about who I was, it would be the end.

  Chapter 25

  Poking my head around the office door, I smiled at Graham as he set his belongings out on the desk and he gestured for me to step inside.

  “I’m still not sure I believe they gave you Jon’s position,” I said as I dropped down into one of the leather chairs across from the desk.

  “You can’t believe it? How do you think I feel?” Graham said, setting a gilt framed picture of Jessica on the desk next to his computer.

  “Did they give you a reason as to why he was moved on?” I asked.

  “Nope. The same one they told everyone here, but I would imagine it had something to do with the botched raid he did on your place when he went after Lily,” Graham answered as he sat into his seat behind the desk.

  Glancing back over my shoulder, I stared out into the main office area at where Victoria’s empty desk sat. I had a feeling that Jon’s sudden massive screw up had something to do with her, but when I’d asked her she’d feigned innocence over the matter. I’d mistakenly been under the impression that the Fae couldn’t lie until I dug a little deeper into Changeling lore and found out they could lie just fine.

  “Have you heard anything about Lily?” I asked, sitting forward in my chair to grab Graham’s name plaque from the desk. I twirled it around in my hands, my mind tripping back over the events that had led to Lily’s incarceration.

  “Apparently she’s a model inmate: doesn’t ask for anything and stays out of everyone’s way….”

  “You mean they don’t have her in isolation?” I said, the plaque slipping from my fingers toward the floor. I caught it before it hit the carpet, and under Graham’s long-suffering glare, I set it back in place.

  “Why would they? As far as the Saga Venatione are concerned, they’ve got her. They don’t really see her as a threat,” Graham answered. “And from everything I’ve read, they’re right. Are you sure you need to be so concerned about all of this?”

  Dropping my head back, I let out a long sigh. “I’m damn sure I need to be concerned. The fact that they’re not means she has them right where she wants them, and we both know that nothing good can come of that.”

  Graham nodded as he steepled his fingers together. “Look, until she does something, there’s nothing much we can do.”

  Frustration washed through me and I pushed onto my feet.

  “Amber, I mean it. Until something happens, there’s no point in winding yourself up. The facility is secure; there’s not a whole lot she can do, and when she faces judgement, well, we both know what the outcome will be.”

  He was right. The facility was secure, and maybe I was overreacting, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling in the pit of my stomach that we were just sitting around waiting for something to happen.

  “I suppose so,” I said, making my way to the door. “I don’t suppose you’ve got any cases?” I said hopefully.

  “Not until every last case report has been filed for the last three cases you’ve worked,” Graham answered with a grin as he leaned back in his leather chair. “You know, I really think I could get used to this.”

  “What? Spoiling my fun?” I said, folding my arms across my chest.

  “Well, there’s that, and there’s the pay rise.” He smirked at me before making a shooing motion. “I expect those files before end of day,” he said.

  Glancing down at my watch, I groaned. “That’s in half an hour.”

  “Then you better get cracking.”

  Pushing away from the door, I stuck my tongue out at Graham with a fake petulant expression on my face. His laughter followed me out into the main office as I headed back to my desk and stared at Victoria’s empty seat.

  Where the hell was she? Going A.W.O.L. simply wasn’t like her, and her absence was doing nothing to ease the tightness in my chest and the queasiness of my stomach.

  Despite agreeing with Graham that I was probably overreacting, I couldn’t shake the bad feeling in my gut that seemed to be growing with every day that passed. Add to the mix a demon mark that was a heck of a lot stronger ever since it had eaten Father Matthew’s demonic essence, and a budding relationship with Nic that seemed to be growing more complicated by the day, and I was left with one major ball of anxiety.

  Of course, the Nic thing wasn’t that complicated, especially as he’d asked me out on a date and I’d accepted. Whatever happened, happened, and I wasn’t going to fight against it anymore. If the last couple of months had taught me anything, it was that was life was way too short to not do the things that felt right. And kissing Nic felt right … more than right.

  All I needed to do was make sure my half-sister didn’t expose me and Nic’s brother didn’t burn me at the stake.

  Why in Hell was I worried?

  It would be a piece of cake.

  Contact Bilinda

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  Also by Bilinda Sheehan

  The Shadow Sorceress Series

  A Grave Magic

  Blood Craft

  Grim Rites

  Wild Hunt - Coming Soon

  Bond of Blood and Shadow Series

  Violet Line - Book One

  Violet Code - Coming 2016